TLN Commentary
American Support for NATO is Strong – But There is a Wrinkle, Daniel S. Hamilton, Woodrow Wilson Center
Open Letter: For the Sake of Transatlantic Security, Stop Nord Stream 2, signed by Debra Cagan, Newsweek

Middle East
Trump’s latest Middle East diplomatic deal: Triumph or travesty? Spencer Bokat Lindell, New York Times
For Netanyahu, normalization deals are a long-awaited vindication, Jonathan H. Ferziger, Foreign Policy
Israel’s Peace Deals are a Strategic Nightmare for Iran, Maysam Behravesh and Hamidreza Azizi, Foreign Policy
This is what courage looks like in the Middle East, Leon Panetta, Jeremy Bash, The Hill
Without the Palestinians, Israeli normalization is still beyond reach, H.A. Hellyer, Carnegie Endowment
Macron wants to be a Middle Eastern superpower, Steven A. Cook, Foreign Policy

European Union
State of the Union Address, President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary
Use Connectivity to Strengthen Multilateral Cooperation in the EU’s Neighbourhood, Sven Biscop, Egmont
Financing the European Union: new context, new responses, Clemens Fuest and Jean Pisani-Ferry, Bruegel
The Dutch Don’t Love Europe – and Never Did, Caroline De Gruyter, Foreign Policy

Digital, Cyber
Assessment of 5G Deployment Status in Europe, European Roundtable of Industry
The Coming Global Technology Fracture, Dani Rodrik, Project Syndicate
Europe Feels Squeeze as Tech Competition Heats Up Between U.S. and China, Steven Erlanger, Adam Satariano, New York Times
Instead of targeting TikTok and WeChat, the US should work on an alternative to China’s digital silk road, Sam Olsen, South China Morning Post
We still have time to act against US election vulnerability, Gen. Keith Alexander (Ret.), Jamil Jafer, The Hill

Economic Relations
Economic Diplomacy in the era of Great Powers, Linda Yueh, Chatham House
The overlooked importance of economics: why the Bush administration wanted NATO enlargement, Liviu Horovitz and Elias Götz, Journal of Strategic Studies
The missing partnership: The United States, Europe, and China’s Economic Challenge, Peter Chase, GMF
‘Farewell, fossil fuels’? What oil’s demise will do to the world’s leading economies, Simon Henderson, The Hill

United States
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Great Equalizer, Jill Lepore, The New Yorker
How RBG’s death could radicalize American politics, Ryan Lizza, Politico
Divided We Stand: Democrats and Republicans Diverge on US Foreign Policy, Results of the 2020 Chicago Council Survey of American Public Opinion, Dina Smeltz, et al., Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Worldwide Threats to the Homeland, Statement of Christopher A. Wray, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation before the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives
Worldwide Threats to the Homeland, Statement of Christopher Miller, Director, National Counterterrorism Center, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, before the Committee on Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives