Iván Glasovac
Iván Glasovac is Director General of Resolute Consulting, with a decade of experience in global public policy advisory for corporates and governments. Based in Madrid, in 2013 he founded Resolute Consulting and quickly established a career with multinational clients helping them achieve intelligence and access to navigate the European institutions and governments.
Prior to starting his firm in Madrid, he served as a Senior Consultant to global public affairs firm DCI Group in their Brussels office, an advisory role he keeps to this day. Iván has over ten years’ experience working as a political advisor along the transatlantic axis on a wide range of issues from transatlantic cooperation to an array of European Union political issues. He started his career working closely with José Maria Aznar, former President of Government of Spain which brought him to Brussels where he worked for the Secretary General of the European People’s Party and a prominent Member of the European Parliament from Spain.
A native of Croatia, he received his Bachelor of Science Degree in International Affairs from the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service where he specialized in political processes. Iván is fluent in six languages and his free time is an avid student of other languages. He serves on the Board of the Georgetown Foundation of Spain, dedicated to education and scholarships.