Ahmed Ali
Mediterranean Basin, Middle East, and Gulf Initiative
Ahmed is a researcher focuses on law, and Islamic studies, and security in the MENA region in particular, in Libya and Gulf countries. He holds a law degree from Cairo University and dual master degrees in Sustainable International Development & Conflict Resolutions from Brandeis University. In addition to his academic merits, he has over nine years of program management and research experience in the MENA region including Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, and Turkey. He supervised several projects in Sudan; Syria; Iraq; Jordan; Lebanon; Palestine; and, Yemen. Ahmed has published six papers and articles such as the democratic transition, Libyan conflict, IHL, and counter-terrorism. Those papers were published by the American University in Cairo (AUC), CEDEJ, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Gazi University, Doha Institute, and, The Atlantic Council. At present, he is working as a consultant on the IHL and Islam for Qatar Red Crescent and writing analytical articles and policy papers on the Libyan conflict and counter-terrorism as a contributor for The Atlantic Council.