
Next Generation: Emergent Leaders in Libya

About the Platform

The “Next Generation: Emergent Leaders in Libya” platform support efforts toward institution-building and reconciliation in Libya. It aims to inspire larger civic participation in Libyan communities and create a network of young emerging leaders committed to work to support, develop and promote:

– collective action and teamwork

– reconciliation within the country

– reparations for victims of war

– building of the Libyan national identity

The goals of the platform seek to energize and empower Libyan youth to actively contribute to the building of a pluralistic and inclusive Libyan society, free of autocracy and based on the rule of law, by engaging in panel discussions, writing articles and appearing on media addressing issues (problems) at hand offering solutions and best ways forward.

The platform will also address the corruption and bottleneck of the economy, including provision of services that Libyan people need, throughout the country, promote an independent judiciary and non-interference by the executive branch of the government in its work, and a stronger youth representation in the administration and government ministries.

Mediterranean Energy Markets: 2030 and Beyond – Track II Project

The Transatlantic Leadership Network Initiative on Climate, Energy, and Security

The Transatlantic Leadership Network’s Initiative on Climate, Energy, and Security will examine the geopolitical challenges and market disruptions that environmental shifts bring to transatlantic relations today. With their broad range of experience across energy, business, military, diplomatic, and academic sectors, TLN fellows will produce innovative research, provide practical recommendations to policy makers, and advocate for sustainable solutions to the environmental and security challenges in its regions of focus.

First Annual TLN Conference on Freedom of the Media

Around the world journalists in pursuit of the truth are being jailed, beaten and murdered with alarming frequency. Since 2016, according to Reporters Without Borders, 345 journalists have been killed and 1,798 have been jailed.

Authoritarian strongmen and their supporters who wish to silence the press accuse journalists of spreading “fake news” while they themselves pursue malicious social media disinformation campaigns to intentionally undermine the public’s trust in fact-based journalism.

This is a phenomenon not unique to the West. It is prevalent in countries from Eastern Europe and Russia, to the Middle East and to Asia.  TLN believes that this dangerous development must be confronted in a concerted and compelling way.

That is why we are launching the Freedom of the Media initiative this December 7 at the National Press Club. We want to give voice to those trying to defend the rule of law and to protect journalists, fight fake news, and better understand the role of social media in disseminating the news.  Our expert panelists will also discuss how unbiased news can still be published in countries with illiberal democratic political systems.

The world needs an unencumbered, legitimate press to hold the powerful accountable. But with that comes the responsibility to practice fair and accurate journalism.